Agatha Christie’s The ABC Murders, November 2020

+PROS Classic murder mystery, with a unique twist to traditional narrative style Quirky humor between Poirot and Hastings sprinkled throughout serious drama -CONS Chaotic wrap-up; while the motive is acceptable, the random and various murder weapons are irksome for a tied-with-a-bow mystery novel *GREAT GRAYS Different time period allows for cancelling out modern-day white noise […]

Susanna Clarke’s Piranesi (2020), November 2020

+PROS Fantasy: includes world-building and mystery Author plays with elements like memory loss and distortion, names and language, societal perceptions and cultures Actual things versus representations of them -CONS Simple deductions for the reader but not for the protagonist *GREAT GRAYS What elements/features must an author consider when creating a whole new world and societal […]

Merlin Sheldrake’s Entangled Life (2020), November 2020

+PROS Author’s tone and anecdotes are relatable and welcoming with this complex, science-heavy subject matter Thought-provoking concepts and theories Relates to society on multiple levels: technology & innovation, climate change, gourmet cooking, supply & demand, history and legends, religion, medicine  -CONS Dense details likely lower retention of the material *GREAT GRAYS Making complex, niche scientific […]